$5 per person
Members and children under 1 are free
Port Jefferson Library card holders - $1 off each admission ticket
Signal Center
At this exhibit, visitors communicate with pulleys, buckets and learn different methods of communicating.
Questions to Explore:
- Can you use Morse Code to write a note for your partner? Place it in the bucket and use the “hand over hand” motion and send it to your partner.
- What simple machine are you using to “Help” you send your message?
- Design a Pictogram for your partner and send it to your partner.
- Can you send a message illustrated using Pictograms or Semaphore Flags?
Bailing Boat
At this exhibit, we offer visitors a beach in a boat. Using grains of rice, young visitors compare volumes and solve rate problems; fundamental mathematical skills that apply to all areas.
Questions to Explore:
Making a Prediction and then test out your “Guess”! Was it correct? Make a correction.
- How many cups will it take to fill one basket with rice?
- Does the size of the cup make a difference?
- How many Baskets to fill one bucket? Is there a Pattern?
- Which funnel will work best with the Rice? Why?
Straws and Connectors
Questions to Explore:
- Can you construct a sphere (ball) with straight straws and connectors?
- Can you design a Tall Tower? How will you support the structure to enable it to stand tall?
- Construct a Rocket Ship to blast off! How many shapes will you incorporate?
Building with Gears
Questions to Explore:
- Design a pattern of colors that will move in one direction only.
- Are there other patterns you can design and construct?
- Can you construct a handle to turn your gear design?
- How high can you stack your gears and still be able to turn them? Does the height matter?
Hot Wheel Tracks
Questions to Explore:
- What will happen when you Change the Height of your starting point? (raise the height or lower the height)
- Can you construct a loop? Can you add curves? Does your car need more speed to travel through the loop or curve?
- Does the size of your car matter?
- What are the properties of the vehicle?
Tubular Maze
Questions to Explore:
- Can you construct a maze so that the ball takes the same path each time you drop it?
- Make a change in your construction so that your ball will travel a different path.
- Design a “Dual Challenge” with your partner. Time your pathway. Which is faster? (use one of our stop watches and measuring tape if you wish)

Questions to Explore:
- Can you connect and balance ten cubes?
- Can you build with Lincoln Logs, interlocking the forms?
- Can you mix any blocks to construct a bridge using different kinds of blocks?
- Can you construct a sculpture using the tree forms?
Wooden Interlocking Puzzle Pieces

Questions to Explore:
- Can you rotate the pieces to make a stronger structure?
- Do you need a stronger base to support and stabilize your structure?
- Can you design steps into your structure?
Balanced Equations
Questions to Explore:
- Does it matter if you place the red hangars in the back of the yellow arm?
- Can you design a subtraction equation?
- Can you write number sentences from your balance?
Maker Space

Tinker in our Maker Space, a designated area to let your creative powers soar.
Questions to Explore:
- What can you create with different sized paper tubes? Can you embellish your creation?
- Can you build a machine? What can it do?
- Can you design a new tool to be used to measure objects?
Outdoor Deck
Questions to Explore:
- Investigate our natural shell collection and try to categorize the shells by properties they share.
- Do any shells match what you found on our Aqua Sub Challenge on our Smart Board?
- Design a shoreline in the sand box using rocks and seashells?
Large Magnetic Ball Run

Questions to Explore:
- How high can you begin your pathway?
- Does the mass of the ball affect the run?
- How do the funnel pieces affect your ball run?
Marble Runs

Questions to Explore:
- Does the angle of the magnetic ramp make a difference in the speed of your marble? How?
- How can you slow your marble down?
- How do the shapes affect your marble run?
Tessellation Tiles

Questions to Explore:
- Can you place the shapes in the templates with no gaps or overlaps?
- Lift up the wooden shapes; can you complete the challenge using different wooden shapes?
- Can you do a rubbing over the shapes with the side of a crayon and design an art piece as the artist M.C. Escher designed? Create a NEW art piece?
Harbor Wheelhouse

This is a simulation of a ride in the harbor. Children can navigate and open drawers, ring bells, and show them how to move in all directions.
Questions to Explore:
- Can you open the chart drawer? What is the depth of the water needed for the ferry to sail out of the harbor and into the Long Island Sound?
- What color indicates the channel for boats to safely exit the harbor?
- Can you find our museum on the aerial view chart? What else can you identify?
ScanTEX Construction Materials

Questions to Explore:
- Can you build a moving vehicle with a handle to steer?
- Build a Suspension bridge! Add ramps for cars to access the bridge. Will your bridge span water or land?
- Can you build a Space Station with an entry point for your astronaut?
Lego Construction

Questions to Explore:
- Design a boat to be anchored in the Port Jefferson Harbor?
- How about constructing a dock to secure your boat?
- Can you build an urban community?
Mixed Reality

Questions to Explore:
- How do you think they gathered the images to place you in this VR experience? Let's look at the different ways to use panoramic cameras.
- What kind of engineer has designed the program you’re using? Let's learn about software development.
- How does the computer know where you are looking and where you are standing? Let's learn about gyroscopes
- Gyroscopes are also found in iphones and other smartphones to track orientation
- Cameras/proximity sensors are also in iPhones so they know when the user brings the phone to their ear.

Ozobots are robots that use a color based, visual programing language.
Questions to Explore:
- Can you design a track on which your ozobot can spin and and turbocharge?
- Can the ozobot become a figure skater and design a routine?
- Can you turn your ozobot into a soccer player that can make a goal?