The Explorium Express is coming to town!
Hop on and join us on a journey through science past, present, and future.
Looking to blow off some S.T.E.A.M. for the holidays?! Visit the Explorium and enter a world of wonder. We have created a new experience during the holiday season. Book your exclusive 40 minute time slot for an all inclusive immersive, educational and joyful experience and go home with a "goodie bag" to continue the fun at home.
Each "ticketed" visit will receive an interactive and personalized experience with our staff. Your private tour on the Explorium Express will walk you through time and explore different forms of science, including technology of the past and future.
Follow us on Social Media and sign up for our newsletter to learn of our dates first before they are sold out.
Registration is necessary. First come first serve. To ensure the health and safety of our staff and participants, we will implement a mask-on policy at all times for all participants as well as a COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire.
Please be mindful that spots are limited. If for any reason you cannot attend, please let us know immediately so we can open up registration again to other interested parties.
Building a STRONGER tomorrow. Enriching and empowering lives through STEM.
Founded in 2005, the Long Island Explorium is committed to the development of programs and exhibits deeply rooted in research and evidence-based practice. Our programs are aligned with NYSSLS, ELA, Math and Social Studies Standards.
The impact of the pandemic will be felt well into 2021 and beyond. We are counting on your continued investment in our mission to move forward. Your financial support will allow us to link adults, kids, and families together in ways illustrating that ideas, inspiration, hard work, and the failing-forward spirit result in amazing things.
For the past 15 years, we have burned a bright torch that illuminated the wonders, opportunities and hope that science can hold for our future generations. The pandemic has dimmed our bright torch but with your support, we look forward to burning brightly again and continuing to scale up our impact on all those who visit the Explorium and participate in our programs.
Please consider a donation to the Explorium by visiting our Support Page https://longislandexplorium.org/support-us/
Please view our Visit Us page to learn more about our reopening and enhanced protocols, https://longislandexplorium.org/visit-us/
During these challenging times, our staff are working diligently with limited resources to bring an engaging and joyful experience for our community. All registration fees are non-refundable but can be rescheduled based on availability.
We strive be inclusive and accessible to all families in the community. We are a proud participant of the Museums for All program. If you or someone you know qualify to participate in this program, please email Info@Longislandexplorium.Org