STEM Online Workshops – Week -9

May 11, 2020 10:00AM—May 15, 2020 12:00PM

Cost $10 per workshop

Event Contact Lisa Rodriguez | Email


Supporting STEM Learning Outside the Classroom

*LIVE* Online STEM Workshops with the Long Island Explorium

*LIVE* Online STEM Workshops with the Long Island Explorium!

Keep up the learning from home while you are away from school. Our highly trained educators will be reinforcing the NYSSLS cross cutting concepts during these innovative workshops.

Join us each day for interactive online workshops where we challenge you to discover, design and explore innovative STEM projects. We will use simple, everyday materials found in your own home. And, if you can’t find the materials, step up to the challenge and problem solve! There’s always a solution to the problem if we think outside the box!

These workshops are designed to develop an understanding in the Engineering Design Learning Standards. Students will plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.

All these workshops are aligned with the NYS Science Learning Standards, ELA and Math Standards. We will be reinforcing the cross-cutting concepts in all workshops.

  • Patterns
  • Cause and Effect
  • Structure and Function
  • Systems and System Models
  • Scale, Proportion and Quantity
  • Energy and Matter
  • Stability and Change

Download Zoom to prep for access.  Links will be sent to registered address before midnight of scheduled workshop date.

Space is limited to 20 students per class for maximum class participation. Cost per class: $10/student.

Times & Ages : 


  • 10:00 am - 10:45 am - K-G2
  • 11:15 am - 12 noon - Grades 3-6


  • $10 per Workshop per student

**Link to access will be sent in a separate email after registration by midnight the night before scheduled workshop date.



Sign up for the *LIVE* STEM Online workshop

Space is Limited to 20 students for maximum interaction. Register now. A link will be sent to you after registration by midnight the night before workshop. 

Our Previous Workshops

  • Bridging the Gap!
  • Forces for Fun: Building Roller Coasters!
  • Lift Off: Paper Airplanes!
  • Pattern-Spotting and Making Links with Ink - Chromatography!
  • Sweet Kitchen Science!
  • Map It!
  • Making Music with Jars!
  • Does your Boat Float?
  • Penny Shine!
  • Gone with the wind!
  • Launch it!
  • Music Outside the box
  • To The Rescue!
  • Ship Shape
  • Let's Go Fly a Kite
  • Wondrous Weather.

View Week 1 - March 16 - 20
View Week 2 - March 23 - 27
View Week 3 - March 30 - April 3
View Week 4- April 6 - 10
View Week 5 - April 13-17
View Week 6 - April 20-24
View Week 7 - April 27-May 1
View Week 8 - May 4-May 8
View Week 10 - May 18-May 22

Monday, May 11th - Friday, May 15th

10 am - 10 :45 am - Grades K - 2

11:15 am- 12 pm -  Grades 3-6

Material list for the workshops can be found here.

Monday, May 11th – Music Outside the Box

An exploration of music! Participants will investigate the components of string instruments and the purpose of each part, and use that knowledge to construct their own box guitar. They will investigate how to change the pitch of the notes they play and attempt to tune their guitars, while we explore the science of waves and how sound travels through the air? How does the thickness of the elastic band change the pitch of the sound? Can you make the same elastic band make a different sound? How about two different elastic bands make the same sound?

Wednesday, May 13th – In the Balance  *NEW*

Join us for an interactive workshop in which we explore balance and toppling! Participants will use their own bodies as scientific equipment to investigate the conditions for balancing, and how and when toppling will occur. We will explore the meaning of ‘centre of mass’, predict its location in regular shapes and understand the technique to find its location in non-regular objects. What is the effect of changing a shape on the location of its center of mass? What patterns can you spot in how much we can tilt an object before it topples? How can we increase the amount we can tilt it before it topples?

Friday, May 15th – Launch It!

In this fan favorite workshop, we challenge you to create a catapult! We will explore simple machines to try and get our projectiles to fly through the air. Increase the challenge by using fewer materials - a catapult can be made out of anything! How does the size of your catapult affect the distance the projectile travels? How does the angle you’re launching it affect it? Do heavier or lighter projectiles travel further? How accurately can you aim at a target?


  • $10 per Workshop per student

Register online now.

Link to access will be sent in a separate email after registration the night before scheduled workshop date by midnight.  

Any questions about registrations, please email

If you have any technical issues registering, use the form below to contact us.
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