Families & Children
Our curriculum, exhibits and educational approach are unique by design, developed to spark inventive solutions, build confidence by embracing the “fail forward” concept and foster teamwork through hands-on workshops and activities that pose challenges with multiple outcomes or solutions. Because of this focus on creativity and innovation, the Explorium is recognized as Long Island’s Family Maker Space, a place for families to play, create, build and grow together.

Sparking creativity and igniting innovation in young minds.
A preschool exploration program with a STEAM focus!
Young explorers will immerse themselves in nature and outdoor play (rain or shine!), as well as hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Children will be guided by master teachers and special guest educators including naturalists, artists, scientists, and more!
Our distinctive challenge-based curriculum ignites an interest in the “big ideas” of science and critical and creative thinking. Our lessons are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards.
See your child “glow” at Little Sparks!
Ready to find out more?
Visit Our Little Sparks Registration Page
This program is meant to reach elementary-school aged girls, who are forming their own identities now, as they explore and learn about their own possibilities within the world of STEAM. 52% of women working in the areas of STEAM site an educational experience that took place in elementary school as setting their path. In order to ensure that girls are getting those experiences, we offer workshops that showcase women as mentors and teach them the skills they need. Since aptitude is not gender based, we focus on building the girls confidence, which is the most important factor in their involvement in the areas of STEAM moving forward.

Schools & Groups
Our workshops are smart and fun! We nurture children’s thinking as they work to develop their own solutions to open-ended challenges. STEM workshops include evidence-based writing, career awareness, and civic engagement components. Our distinctive challenge-based programs are built on New York State Science Learning Standards, New York State English Language Arts and Mathematics Learning Standards, and the National Core Arts Standards.

We bring our expertise and innovation to your location. Our educators develop a series of workshops and activities. We customize to your needs. Students always leave asking for more! These STEM camps are highly popular during school breaks and for energizing students during the year.
Hands-on Workshops for Young Scientists, Grades Pre-K to 6TH!
Fabulously FUN hands-on investigations explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math, all while including a literacy component.
Our new Career and Civic workshops incorporate career awareness and civic engagement with hands-on learning. Our in-house workshops are 2 hrs long, which includes a 90 min workshop and a 30 min exploration time. Extended hours can be arranged where needed.
We have developed a program that allows us to take the Explorium on the road. Our in-school and after school workshops focus on bringing smart and fun workshops that challenge elementary aged children to think for themselves as they work to develop their own solutions to the open-ended challenges we pose for them. Every field trip is led by a certified instructor and is accompanied by take-home materials.
Teachers & Educators
The Maritime Explorium is a New York State certified provider of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education ( CTLE) credits. Our programs help inspire teachers to incorporate STEAM and constructivist approaches into their standards-based lessons. Teachers learn how to foster engagement of all learners through hands-on challenges that explore the engineering design process, encourage teamwork, and incorporate career and civic awareness.
“Educate the Educators” program will provide comprehensive teacher professional development workshops to low income school districts located on Long Island. This program is designed to empower teachers to embrace a challenge based approach to STEM education and to lead STEM workshops in their classrooms. The workshops are aligned with the New York State Science Learning Standards and are designed to foster creativity and critical thinking skills among the students. The project is designed to support turnkey training of colleagues thereby creating a lasting impact and establishing a professional learning community within the participating districts.
To view and/ or register for our upcoming CTLE approved workshops, please click here.

Special Needs

This program is inclusive of all populations of learners. Our programs and curriculum are designed to be flexible and serve and support gifted students and those with special needs. We also provide STEM programming to children and adults with learning disabilities. Our programs are known for their high level of student engagement with all students interacting in a positive and productive manner.
Boy & Girl Scouts

The Long Island Explorium has been a long time supporter of local scouting programs. We are pleased to offer a wide range of programs for the youngest Daisy or Tiger Scouts through to the Gold and Eagle Scout levels. We are proud to showcase the fruits of a few Eagle Scouts projects right here in our Explorium. We invite each scout, den, pack and troop to discover the many opportunities to earn your pin, loop, achievement, elective or merit badges here at the Long Island Explorium.
We strongly support the pursuit of STEM among girls and women and are well equipped to provide the many opportunities for Girl Scouts to earn their STEM badges.
For more information, please send an email to or call 631-331-3277.

We offer customized STEM workshops for corporate executives to keep them updated on the current trends in STEM education and learning in New York state. We conduct team bonding sessions onsite as well as at your location. Companies can also take advantage of our volunteer programs for their employees. For more information on programs for the corporate community, please contact Angeline Judex at 631-331-3277.